Infant | Toddler | Preschool | School Age | Summer Camp
18 months to 3 years
About the time children turn one, most of them are able to toddle around, feed themselves, jabber, and communicate some of their needs in an unmistakable manner. These children are starting to assert their independence and display their own personalities; they may also bite their friends, throw things (as well as tantrums). It’s perfectly normal behavior – they are testing limits and abilities. Many children begin toilet training before they are two; those who have not will be encouraged to do so at two years of age. Discipline is never associated with toilet training. We take the positive approach with toilet training by giving stickers and stamps for all successful times that a child goes on the potty.
Everything your toddler could need
The focus of the toddler program is to help each child learn self-control, learn self-help skills and learn to get along with others. While building on those skills previously developed, the toddler program sets the stage for future experiences by preparing the child to be a self-reliant, independent individual. Language development is stressed and parts of the curriculum used in the preschool program are introduced at this stage. Fine motor skills such as cutting and holding a crayon are also introduced or refined.
Our Toddler Program includes activities that:
Stimulate language and communication
Use large muscles to help teach balance and coordination
Develop fine motor control by stacking, sorting, scribbling, playing with playdough, etc.
Develop social and emotional skills
Daily Activities
Daily Activities of the Toddler Teachers include:
-circle time – singing songs – documenting daily activities of each child – reading stories – helping children solve problems – making learning fun – arranging play – blowing bubbles – praising and encouraging – giving simple, consistent directions and rules – potty training – planning daily activities – loving – rubbing backs at nap time.
Daily Activities of the Toddlers include:
- dancing and exercising – pretending – playing with friends – exploring – laughing – singing songs – painting – coloring with crayons and markers – learning to share – working on ideas about right and wrong – learning the rules of playing together – using new words – asking questions – following instructions – potty training.
Parent Communication
**Parent Communication / Toddler Daily Activities Sheet**
Each toddler has a “Daily Activities” sheet that keeps records of all the following activities: all diaper change, or successful potty training, length of nap, food served and amount eaten at snacks and meals, awake activities, and general moods. Medication if prescribed by family physician is recorded when given.
At the end of the day the parents are given a copy of the daily activities sheet to take home.