Infant | Toddler | Preschool | School Age | Summer Camp
Our Teachers

Only the Highest of Standards
We are committed to the continuing professional development of our staff and encourage them in their efforts to provide stimulating and exciting daily plans.
We believe that quality in child care can only be achieved through the provision of caring personal relationships between children in their early years and practitioners.
Our teachers provide excellent role models in language, dress, hygiene, nutrition and behavior promoting healthful and productive habits for life. In addition they strive to provide each child with developmentally appropriate activities to enhance the child’s overall social, emotional and intellectual growth…….all in a loving environment.
Excellent work attendance is required as meeting staff/child state ratios is of paramount importance to the safe care of the children.
All teachers are qualified and trained in CPR, First Aid and Universal Precautions. Ongoing professional development is undertaken via T.E.A.C.H. early childhood, 4C’s KY or local, recognized qualified trainers.
We have consistent, care givers who specialize in early childhood education, understand child development and are sensitive to the needs of children, their families and their culture.
They are committed to ongoing evaluation and improvement.